The ability to remember is potentially the single most important of our abilities. Being able to make decisions about the future based on the past is the only reason that we’ve seen society and technology progress, ever. If you saw someone die from a poisonous berry but couldn’t remember it, what would happen when you were hungry and encountered the same berry? “Learn from your mistakes”. “Never forget” in reference to 9/11. I think the phrase “cherish our history” is immeasurably important - but only in its second definition. I don’t think all of our history should be held dear or shown affection. Certainly not this section of it.
“My people are few. They resemble the scattering trees of a storm-swept plain...There was a time when our people covered the land as the waves of a wind-ruffled sea cover its shell-paved floor, but that time long since passed away with the greatness of tribes that are now but a mournful memory.”
― Chief Seattle
Utility is a subjective notion in economics, referring to the amount of satisfaction a person gets from consumption of a certain item.
Marginal utility refers to the extra utility a consumer gets from one additional unit of a specific product. In a short period of time, the marginal utility derived from successive units of a given product will decline. This is known as diminishing marginal utility.
The principle goal of education in the schools should be creating men and women who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done - Jean Piaget
Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself - John Dewey
“For something that is so integral to shaping our daily lives, most people do not take the time to understand the subject deeply.” I believe that there’s something natural and important about having a childlike curiosity about the world. That sense of wonder that is so quickly lost as we age is the very thing that drives the world forward. It’s the force behind the formation of ideas and knowledge. It drives us to ask about why things are the way they are? About how can we make them better? Life as we know it, whether you’re aware of it or not, is governed largely, perhaps completely, by economics. In the same way that physics is the central discipline within the physical sciences, Economics is the central discipline within the social sciences.
Some children were harmed in the making of this production. Viewer discretion is advised.
I currently work for LEAF, the Local Enterprise Assistance Fund, a Community Development Financial Institution(CDFI) based in Boston. This is going to start out as a shameless plug for what LEAF does and has been doing for small businesses in the Boston area and subsequently turn into a bit more about why it’s important. And it is important - Small business. If you don’t understand why, hopefully you will by the end of this. Allons-y
Transportation is the circulatory system of the world. From ants bringing food back to their nests to a 200,000 ton container ship bringing goods made in *insert country* to destinations across the world. Regardless of whether you care, understanding how the transportation systems that make up the fabric of our world are designed and function is important.
In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity
"It's a jungle out there. Disorder and confusion everywhere. No one seems to care. Well, I do. Hey! Who's in charge here? It's a jungle out there. Poison in the very air we breathe. Do you know what's in the water that we drink? Well, I do, and it's amazing." - Randy Newman
The world is a complex and interesting place. I've spent months and years working to better understand it. I made this site to start unpacking what I've learned and to share my perspectives. Hard times create strong people. Strong people create good times. Good times create weak people. Weak people create hard times. It's time to be strong people.
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How should we classify the internet among other “utilities”?
Depending on what kind of utility the internet is classified as, what degree and type of regulation should be put in place to best benefit(through innovation, investment, lower prices, etc.) the “average” citizen?